public outreach

My work on societal crises and social media use has been covered in several outlets (for example in SVT, Sveriges Radio P1, Forskning & Framsteg, and Västerbottens-Kuriren). My research concerning the uses of TikTok during the war in Ukraine specifically has been covered extensively (in interviews in, for example, SVT, Svenska Dagbladet, Aftonbladet, Sydsvenskan and Dagens Nyheter) and in debate articles (in The Globe and Mail (see pdf file below), Göteborgs-Posten and Dagens Industri). Also, Umeå University published an interview about this work. This research has also been mentioned in different forums, both in the news (for example in The Guardian and Medium) and on Wikipedia (both on the page for Qualitative research and Social media). I have talked about my research on the way TikTok is used in times of mourning (USA Today). Additionally, I have also been asked to hold public lectures via Folkuniversitetet, Filmkunnighetsdagen during the Gothenburg Film Festival, Vetenskapslunch public lecture series, and at the local library about my research.

I have been asked to comment on other current events as well, such as the use of TikTok memes of criminal offenders (P3 Nyheter), disinformation online during the Israel-Hamas war (Dagens Nyheter), TikTok during protests (in Sydsvenskan), TikTok “Filters for good” during the war in Gaza (Lilla Aktuellt, the Swedish national news for children) and social media after local traumatic events (on both local, and national radio). Also, national Swedish Television interviewed me for a special broadcast in regards to how to talk to children about difficult news and crises (Lilla Aktuellt för vuxna, SVT). In a podcast broadcasted by the Swedish Educational Broadcasting Company (UR) aimed at teenagers, I was interviewed about disinformation spread during crises.

For press inquiries / för pressförfrågningar: moa.eriksson.krutrok[a]